
Read the Scriptures here. Listen to previous sermons here.

Give-to-Siloah-Banner-7-4-2020.jpgThanks to your generosity, our mission continues. 

Siloah-Lutheran-School-Teacher-Installation-8-21-2022-p1.jpgSiloah Lutheran School teachers were installed on August 21st, 2022.  We ask the Lord to bless this school year. In Jesus' name, we pray. Amen.

Baptism-8-21-2022-Artistic.jpgOn August 21, 2022, the Howard family gathered for their daughter's baptism.  Thank you Jesus!

Sunday-School-Teacher-Installation-8-21-2022.jpgOur Sunday School teachers were installed on Sunday, August 21st, 2022.  They are ready to teach your children about God's Word, while you attend adult Bible study at 9:00 A.M.  Don't forget to join us for refreshments at 8:30 A.M.